
Getting started

The main goal of Dokuforte is to preserve the common past of the Israelis. We’re gathering photos from the pre-digital photo era, from the 19th century through the times of the young state of Israel, till 1998. We are happy to receive photos from the countries of origin as well, from the times before the immigration to Israel.

For the best quality

We recommend you ask your local photo store for professional help by scanning your photos at least 600 DPI or higher in TIFF or high-quality JPEG file format. TIFF is preferable to JPEG.

For good quality

You can also use your flatbed scanner at home to digitalize your paper photographs, slides, or negatives. Resolution-wise, endeavor to get somewhere effectually 600 DPI to avoid losing details. Please choose TIFF data format if it is possible, instead of JPEG. If there is no option, choose high-quality JPEG.

Do I need to edit the photos before uploading them?

Please, never edit your scanned photos (sharpening, color grading, exposure, etc.). We will take care of that during the review process.

By hitting Submit for review, the uploaded photo album will be marked for review and get publicly available after the approval happens.

If you have any questions or require further help scanning your paper photos, please contact us at [email protected].

Additional details

The form below is optional but has been created to provide meaningful context and enhance discoverability in the collection.


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